在天府对话世界 四川国际传播中心正式揭牌!

在天府对话世界 四川国际传播中心正式揭牌!

发布时间:2022-03-20 来源:四川国际传播中心   记者 :邓翔沣 实习记者 谢秀丽 谭怡心 摄影 郝飞 吴枫   责编:顿珠曲珍

在天府对话世界 四川国际传播中心正式揭牌!

Dialogue With The World In Tianfu: Sichuan International Communication Center Officially Unveiled!


3月20日春分时节播种季节当天四川国际传播中心正式揭牌四川国际传播媒体矩阵Center、三星堆考古英文官网Sanxingdui Archaeology同步上线,坐落于成都市西部文化产业中心四川国际传播中心物理空间首次揭开神秘面纱,成为天府对话世界的传播大平台和文化新地标。

On March 20, it is the spring equinox, the beginning of a sowing season. The Sichuan International Communication Center (SICC) was officially unveiled on this day. The Sichuan International Communication Media Matrix "Center" and "Sanxingdui Archaeology", the Sanxingdui Archaeology International Communication Website, were launched simultaneously. The space of SICC, located in the Western Cultural Industry Center, Chengdu city, was unveiled for the first time, becoming a robust communication platform for the dialogue with the world in Tianfu and a new cultural landmark.


As a professional international communication organization operated by Sichuan Daily Press Group, SICC takes "mobile communication, video communication, and social communication" as its footholds. SICC internally integrates the considerable strengths of Chuanguan News, Cover Media, Sichuan Culture, Vision Sichuan, Zangdiyg Media and The Belt and Road Reports to accelerate the construction of an international communication media matrix and service platform with Sichuan characteristics. Externally, it links various fields of international communication and actively constructs a convergent media system for domestic and overseas communication to make everyone "Experience China via Sichuan Eyes."


At the ceremony, the Sichuan International Media Matrix "Center," playing a central role in debut, attracted the attention. It is not only a readable, visible, audible, and sensible English website but also an overseas social media platform account matrix covering YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and other overseas mainstream social media. It also has several characteristic vertical accounts (channels), such as "Sanxingdui Culture," "Sanxingdui Channel," "Discover Buddha Grottoes," "Panda Daily Show," and "China Walk TV. " In this way, "Center" vividly presents Sichuan and China where tradition and modernity are multi-integrated.

Sanxingdui Archaeology International Communication Website, hosted by the Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute, has become widely known for the two keywords "academics" and "revitalization." In the future, the latest archaeological discoveries from the Sanxingdui site, authoritative and in-depth interpretations of the unearthed cultural relics, Chinese-English bilingual global academic papers, archaeological books and journals with a new narrative mode, and online "Cloud Exhibition" to provide digital cultural relics immersion will all be presented here at the first time.


When the red silk was slowly taken off, a "world meeting room" that went international made a stunning debut amid the warm and loud applause. The space of SICC lies in the central business district of Chunxi Road--Taikoo Li, a midtown place that is similar to a "Plaza District." The bright red front door with some simple gold mask patterns and the red wall and antique cornice of the Sichuan Opera Art Center outside the window blend perfectly, presenting the profound cultural heritage. With high technologies such as the large screen that provides an immersive experience to the audience, transparent interactive screens, broadcasting studio, walls showing multimedia network and influencers, and the interactive floor projector, the new space of SICC highlights the diversified social media and communication platforms and formats. Embedding in the idea of combining culture and high tech, the new space of SICC will become another meaningful place to visit, like the ALAI STUDY.


 "This is of great significance to China's regional external communication," "it plays a central role in building the international image of Sichuan," according to the congratulations by Cheng Manli, the dean at Peking University National Institute of Strategic Communication, and Zhang Hongzhong, the executive dean and professor at Beijing Normal University's School of Journalism and Communication. Sichuan possesses several successful international communication IPs, said Shen Bin, the deputy director of the chief-editor's office and director of the International Communication Research Center at China Daily. In recent years, Sichuan's achievement in external communication has received significant attention overseas. He expected that SICC would further integrate global resources to achieve better communication effects.